Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rainy Days, Waterfalls and Mastering May

I just returned from a few hours of hiking in the rain in the Shining Ones Forest. It was penetratingly beautiful, serene and alive with the energies of Creation. I had been anticipating the waterfall at the top of the climb, knowing it would be full with abundant waters after a night of precipitation. I was not disappointed. I was also looking forward to walking across the 20 or so foot section of a big tree that fell many weeks ago just above and across the path of the waterfall. But a curious thing happened. When I climbed up to begin the walk across – I did not feel quite as stable as I normally do. Because the tree was wet with rain, I thought to take off my shoes to better grip the damp surface of bark. Even then, as I walked across, I felt moments of shimmer run through that felt like a bit of a wobble to my conscious thinking mind. After crossing once, I turned right around to go again, determined to find a more solid center in my endeavors.

What finally came to me is that it was, in fact, the energies bouncing off that waterfall, electric and so full, that was causing the moments of wobble and hesitation. It definitely became a practice of mind over matter. I trust myself – I know I have good balance – I have walked this tree many times before without pause – I was not afraid. And yet, in that moment, the forces of nature were noticeably strong and unyielding.

This little nature adventure is an apt metaphor for the greater energies we are in the midst of this middle May of 2014. Yesterday was a pretty powerful Full Moon in Scorpio that has been building all week. Scorpio is intense, deep, passionate in nature. This passage is calling for us to dive down deep – lots of potential for cathartic release. The invitation is to look earnestly and without fear at what is stuck, stagnant and no longer moving – to facilitate a new flow of energy coming in the rest of the month to move it all out. If there is resistance to change or clinging to a certain version of the story of who you have been, you can expect shake ups and wake up calls, breakdowns and break through energy manifesting in relationships, finances, personal values etc. It is incredibly important to be willing to look at and see what is not working, stagnant or old paradigm and then be ready, willing and able to face it, own your part in it and then take conscious action to shift things into a better frequency where EXISTENCE CAN BREATHE once more in your reality, through your body, mind and heart and in our greatly transforming world.

I talked quite a bit about detoxing and cleansing on the 11th – just before the Full Moon. Ultimately this lunation is clearing out toxins that inhibit you from really owning your power and the fact you are FEARLESS as a spiritual being embracing a very transient yet defining moment of your own mastery on the earth plane. We must take our thoughts and reasoning off what others are doing or what another’s journey looks like and place it squarely on the integrity of our own relationship with Existence, with the Light, with love and a very unknowable future. It is not our concern or even our quest to know the future. The finite self, ego consciousness clings to its known in hopes of securing its future – when the only thing it is securing is more time in the karmic wheel, playing out the human story of pain, suffering, helplessness, compliance and servitude again and again and again.

The theme of integration will continue for the rest of this month. If you have been present and paying attention, listening to your heart and willing to see life, your life, once and for all, truly and clearly – you have been given much guidance, illumination, aha moments and inner knowingness over the last month or so to assist you in a truer alignment with WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Be gentle, loving and allowing with yourself – yet be willing to notice what comes up for you, feel what you need to feel. I always encourage keeping a journal to help objectify what is surfacing and moving through. I also encourage talking about your feelings with someone capable of truly listening. It helps to know you are not alone in your process – that we are all in incredible depths of shift, change, transformation and passage into new life.

As I walked in the rain today, utterly enveloped in a seemingly infinite forest of greens, trees so grand with the majesty of Creation… my conscious mind relaxed into how natural and peaceful rain is. In the natural world, rain is as much a part of the nature as the trees, the flora and fauna. In the human realm, rain is often regarded as a nuisance, something to tolerate, something separate from. But in nature, there is no separation. At one point, the friend I was with asked me why she was soaked and I barely looked wet… hmmmm why indeed???

Be vigilant and devoted to your conscious awakening in these times. You are unlimited, there is nothing before you you cannot walk through, overcome, outwit, be contained by or held powerless to. Awakening is a choice. So is truly living your LIFE: Limitless Inspiration From Existence. When I was on that tree today – my focus was on crossing to the other side – not my fear. Let that be your metaphor in the days and weeks taking us into June.

Live your best life people – I cannot say it enough – this is your time.
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Join DeAnne Live - portal to a higher frequency of Light

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Exciting Updates and Moments of Carpe' Diem

The influence of a beautiful, helpful, hopeful character is contagious, and revolutionize a whole town.   Eleanor Porter


Selah New Humans,

All the New Human Transmissions of the last 5 years are now available on DeAnne Live. We are very proud and jazzed to bring in this new piece to the energy building on the site. In addition to the shows themselves, you will find vibrational expression and photo images to accompany all of 2012 and 2013 transmissions - and quite a few in the earlier years, as well. Many of these pieces stand on their own and will offer great peace, attunement and support in these times. 

We are in the process of adding either an RSS feed or email notification to the site to help everyone get in the habit of visiting DeAnne Live everyday. There is definitely a momentum building, a very different and new energy as more people come and join and lend individual intentions for planet and humanity to the greater intention and reach of this New Paradigm. We are tapping into a very vast Consciousness and I am grateful everyday of the Mystery and Love of it all. 

Finally, on July 19th, a small New Human team with big hearts will be participating in a 63 mile bike ride to benefit local farms. This is such a New Earth, 5th World opportunity in many ways and you are invited to join in via the purchase of a New Human t-shirt. Just go to the link below to read more about the ride and to see the 2 rocking designs (male/female) we created to REPRESENT the intention and love at the core of this work. There are many ways to embody the energies of this new paradigm and express the devotion to the Light we all share. We would be honored and appreciate your support of these charities and your New Human team by purchasing and wearing your very own New Human tee. Feel free to get one for a niece or nephew, your kids or spouse - even the neighbor that seems to need a smile on their face. The more the merrier! 

Gratitude and BIG Love to all,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

The unique sigil/logo design you see on the tee was created by Shannon Winnie.
New Human newly relocated to Asheville, NC!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Living In Synchronicity, May Energies

Yesterday I had a blessed encounter with a black snake, very purposeful and pregnant with guidance, higher realms to human. It was a fleeting moment in that, I was flying down the side of a mountain on a bike ... yet the intensity of my human experience allowed for the graceful flow of this four foot black snake to catch the rays of the sun as it moved from one side of the trail to the next. The impression of that moment lingers still, as well as the influence of its message from the Mystery. Snake represents the unveiling of sacred mysteries, the unraveling of repressed belief systems leading to transformation, creation and healing on all levels. The snake is cosmic consciousness, the ability to experience all things without resistance and the knowledge that all things are equal in creation. It signals a great transition in life through new opportunities and changes.

We are in the midst of a very active passage so I trust everyone is paying attention. There is no place you can hide from the promptings of the Light that is here with us now. Our skills as spiritual beings are getting amplified to keep up with and be able to hold the new light of pure love on the planet. Can you feel it? Take a moment to experience the light codes of the current featured chapter of The Shining Ones book, both reading and listening. It very much speaks to the shift happening within us and all around and the amplification of this incredible new light. It would be helpful to take a look at what occurred for you from the Equinox, Grand Cross the middle of April through the eclipse on the 29th because new skills were revealed that are very purposeful to your moving forward into the Gateway of May. Were there aha moments? Look at what you pulled in and allowed and surrendered and created. Pay attention to the many ways the Light Collective speaks to you because May marks another increase in frequency. Honor it with your heart and intent and welcome the expansion.

We looked at this passage in great depth in the April 29th transmission of the New Human Consciousness and Energy. It is for the purpose of balancing our new roles and amplifying greater service in our missions on planet earth at this time. Know that the work is changing for us all and much interplay is occurring between planetary portals and Light Servers. So it is not unlikely that you "just happen" to cross paths with people who compliment the intention and desires in your heart  - your new neighbors are old friends! Soul groups are gathering and we sense the magnitude of it all. The mind cannot comprehend but the heart is deepening in trust in anticipation of greater service. There is a giddy, breathlessness humming along beneath all the intensity and pressure so really pay attention to that and allow room for your spirit to have joy and be in communion and rest from the constant momentum of change. Remember, driven, mental energy is old masculine, Old Paradigm and will weigh tremendously on body, mind and spirit. If you find yourself impatient or frustrated, stop what you are doing and go talk to a tree - bring something New Paradigm into your home. As the energies amplify and balance becomes more exact (and it will) many will find themselves moving, relocating or taking on missions involving travel in May and June. Watch for this and do not concern yourself with the distance. Now is a time to heed the intuition and guidance. Say yes to your dreams and gravitate toward expressions of Unity and Oneness. This is not a time to isolate.

The next major Gateway is May 23rd, just after Mars goes direct once again. There will be another New Human transmission around that time as I see where the energies are taking us, what spaces are being filled in and opened wide. I know we can expect a bit of a reprieve mid May but only for those taking counteractive measures and allowing for balance and just basking in the Love of it ALL. The new light is a VERY high frequency vibration, intended for a 5D/6D planet of harmony, communion, shared gifts and honoring of the promise we all bring to this moment. The Light and higher consciousness is incredibly present and active in the in-between spaces of the pressure we all feel. After my snake encounter yesterday and a very fierce and free mountain bike ride, I was greeted by four horses in the parking lot of the nature preserve where we rode. One of them was grazing in lush grass in a far corner and I approached him with an open hand and heart of wonder. As I walked toward him, he advanced toward me. Everything else fell away except the exchange occurring between our eyes, horse to human, human to horse. It was a magical moment after which I took his halter and led him back across the grassy lea to his dad and siblings. It felt like an ancient connection, that encounter with the synchronistic world of Mystery and Light. Horse is a symbol of freedom and of the wind. Horse is a symbol of true power and the promise of movement, speed and adventure.

Are you ready for the adventure your spirit and the true love of this Universe has in store for you? Are you allowing for the winds to move you and move through you? The May Gateway is wide open for new possibilities and pure creation directed by our instinct, our love, our truest nature and trust in the unparalleled opportunities before us. It cannot be underestimated what has been accomplished thus far by the bold Souls who incarnated at this time and the freedom it provides. Do not doubt your contribution to what is unfolding or your ability to adapt to the changes calling you. Listen to the latest transmission again and again for supports in your journey, stay active to compliment the passage we are in and balance that movement with deep stillness and connection with the Earth Mother. Get lots of hugs. Give lots of hugs. Smile often as no one is a stranger. Your joy is co-creator with a Cosmic Force intent on rebooting the grid of a very new Earth and species. It is time. All is well.

MUCH Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

p.s. if you are not aware, DeAnne, the Shining Ones and all things New Human have expanded to a new website. I will, increasingly so, be moving all posts and events to this site and would love for you all to come and join the very new energies and Light anchoring there.
DeAnne Live ~