Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

The new humanity is a future oriented species - 

our compass has always been love. We came to
have life, experience wonder and nurture ourselves
with the many gifts of an evolved existence: a living,
beautiful planet, rich soil to plant in, abundant waters
to provide infinite resources, vast spaces of exquisite
nature to fulfill our natural love of beauty and a human
family within which to find community and join together
with in new creations. 

As we begin another year of what it means to be human, may 
we all start with the simple intention to see the world as a 
child once again. No past to compare and judge, no emotional
scars to define the way we meet each new moment and interact
with others in the human family, no egoic mind to equate reality
in separation and fear. Only promise, only joy and the desire to
experience life in all its many facets and wonders. Look deeply
enough into the eyes of any child and you will see your Self, 
you will see your future, you will see the world as it was meant
to be and a creation evolving out of love and only love. Within
the eyes of every child, is the remembrance of our own Light
and the imagination we began the human journey with. 

Happy Joyous New Human New Year Humanity~ lean into
a new earth existence with all your heart and intent. Dare to
be the One who brings innocence back to the human experience
through the power of a mind free to see all things clearly and
the strength of heart consciousness, capable of holding each
moment in sacred balance.

With the Light of the Ages and the Love of all Eternity,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones 1/1/2013

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