Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We Are Each Other's Keeper

Thank you for your teaching efforts ;your message is provocative, fascinating, and so far in my experience, frustrating as I attempt to expand my reality by integrating the info. you teach, into my life. I, no doubt am not a good student; but I keep "tuning" in, wk after wk for over a yr now. my intent is to pass on to my adult children, that which I learn from you. I would hope this to be my legacy to them. I suspect at this point ,the general 'reaction would be 'POPS' is into some new age weird stuff. They know I've  always felt we understand very little about the capacity of human consciousness. so, this is my goal, to learn through my personal experience and then pass it on to them. this is the context in which I return wk after wk. I'm afraid that if I was to be graded on my success at 'feeling' the growth or expansion of my consciousness ,or heart consciousness, it  wouldn't  be a passing grade; but I'm determined to keep on coming back, your message resonates.
you are what I consider one of of earths 'beautiful' people. admittedly, you blow my mind
thank you
JB from Maine

Dear JB,

I encourage you not to sell yourself short… look how brave and persistent you are, writing in to give voice to your experience and tuning into these new harmonics so consistently. You know, all that is really required of us is that we keep showing up! That we trust the process and greater mystery of existence beyond the endless reasons we have to doubt and settle and resign ourselves to complacency! Your intention to evolve and connect to expanded life is stronger than you might allow yourself to imagine. I feel it here and am getting affirmation from the higher realms as well, on your behalf. Your rudder is facing the new horizon, your sail is being guided by the winds of change and your "work" is to keep allowing the changes that are occurring, stepping out more and more with your voice and heart and desire to help humanity SEE. 

The shows engage energy in a new way - an expansive way really. I purposefully leave a lot of space around certain points and information streams - because true teaching is not a directive  - it primes the pump and leaves room for gathering/ gaining personal insight. There is a lot NOT SAID on the show - and filled in with Light codes and tones that remain working with your field ongoing. I know each person is affected differently with each show, receiving attunement and encoded information that meets each where they are. Certainly each show is an invitation to more, even as it creates bridges to walk out of old structures and into new ones. I trust the energy disseminated is interfacing with each person in the way that will allow energy to keep moving and expanding for each. Have you ever suggested listening (i.e. the show) to your children… not with any rhetoric that would raise their skepticism meters - just share from your heart the peace you find there - that it is something meaningful to you that you would love to share. Simple and sincere. 

I appreciate SO MUCH your kind and heartfelt words. I have the same fragility and challenge as the next person - that is our humanity. I am just choosing to live my divinity as out of the box and boldly as I can…. pretty soon the gifts of meaningful pursuit and authentic life far outweigh the sacrifices and fear. That's a promise! :-) Determination and devotion are the beginning seeds of our becoming. I'd say you are well on your way!

Gratitude, Joy, One Love,

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